Saila,Block Pali Korba, Chhattisgarh-495449 Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, Affiliation No.: 3320250.

Students Guidelines  

Code of Conduct for the Students

All students should be proud of their School and make efforts to uphold its name and prestige. They should remain involved in all its activities and make the best use of their time at School.

Please remeber the following guidelines:

  1. Bring your School dairy to the school every day.
  2. Come to the School clean, well- groomed and in proper uniform with Id cards & polished schoes.
  3. Remain regualar in attendance and never be late for the school
  4. Attend morning prayers and other school activities.
  5. Bring all the textbooks and the writing materials as required for the day.
  6. Study deligently and attentively in the classroom, never waste your time while at school.
  7. Ensure that your name, class, subject, etc. are marked on your books, exercise books, tiffin box, water bottle, etc.
  8. Be ready to pick up good habits and shun bad ones; learn the social manners and and prepare yourself for healthy citizenship in democratic society.
  9. Participate in sports; learn sportsmanship.
  10. Be courteous, respectful and considerate to your parents, teachers and visitors; take care of your younger brothers/sisters at home and school mates at school.
  11. Remember that the school is run for your improvement and growth, always be willing to respect its discipline and rules framed for the purpose.
  12. Look after school property; help to keep it clean and avoid all pencil/ink marks on the walls and furniture. Any loss or damage caused to school property by students will be recovered from the concerned student.
  13. Keep your classroom clean; throw waste paper (s) into waste paper baskets (wpb) only.
  14. Insist on your parents to sign your school diary daily and also the examination report card within two days.
  15. Always be thankful. “please and thank you” are the key words in human behaviour; adopt them as a matter of habit.
  16. Be polite to all, remember, politeness costs nothing but buys everything.
  17. Be ready to lend a helping land at home to parents, brother and sisters, at school to teachers and companions.
  18. Never laugh at the helplessness of others; rather help them in need.
  19. Drink deep at the fountain-head of knowledge; sit in library while free.
  20. Respect the rights of others; remember your own duty.
  21. The students are advised not to bring valuables like costly watches and gold ornaments to school.
  22. The student should appear in `all the exams throughout the year.
  23. Have good work ethics.
  24. Work collaboratively & cooperatively.

Instructions to the Students

  1. Monthly haircut and daily clean shave has to be done by boys.
  2. Nails to be trimmed weekly, boys/girls are not allowed to grow their nails.
  3. Daily bath is compulsory for all the students.
  4. Shirt buttons should not be kept open and the shirt to be tucked in properly, irrespective of the dress i.e. uniform or coloured dress. Belts should be worn tightly and visibly.
  5. Personal hygiene to be maintained.
  6. Dyeing of hair or using hair jel is not permitted.
  7. Hair style should be according to the norms of the school.
  8. Girls students should tie their hair in two plaits.
  9. Neither pony tails nor loose hair is allowed in the school campus.
  10. Students are not allowed to wear gold ornaments or any other type of jewellery in the school and are not allowed to bring any electronic items to the school.
  11. Children are not allowed to bring and use mobile phone in the campus .
  12. Wearing uniform during school hours is compulsory.
  13. No low waist pants should be permitted in campus .
  14. Wearing of costly /heavy wrist watch is strictly prohibited.
  15. Using coloured contact lens is strictly prohibited .
  16. Bringing/using of chewing gums , soft drinks etc , to the school campus is strictly prohibited .


  1. A student who has been absent in previous day will not allowed to sit in the class without the permission of the class teacher.
  2. No leave is granted except on prior application from parents/ guardian for cognet reasons  only. The parents/ Guardian  are requested to fill in the column under ABSENCE NOTE on School dairy.
  3. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than 10 consecutive days renders the student liable to have his/ her name struck off the school rolls; re- admission amy be granted only on availability of seats and also on payment of fresh admission fee.
  4. All children are expected to attend the school on the opening day after the summer vacation, pooja holidays and winter holidays. One who remains absent because of scikness must submit a medical fitness certificate before being admitted to the class.
  5. A child returning to school after suffering from an infectious diseases should produce doctor's certificate permitting him/ her to do so. Student suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribe period of quarantine before returning to the class.

Chicken pox         :Till complete falling of scabies

Cholera                :Till the child is completely recovered

Measles               :Two weeks after the rash disappears

Mumps                 :Until swelling disappears about one month

Whooping cough  :Six weeks

Contact Us ↓

Saila, block -Pali, District -Korba, Chhattisgarh.
Phone no-7587017470, Email- davmmps045@gmail.com
(A Co-Educational English Medium,
Senior Secondary Public School,
Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi.)
(Managed By DAV College Managing Committee, New Delhi.)


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